We are excited to announce that Olympus FV1200MPE-BX61WI multiphoton microscope of the Lab of Cancer Biology is installed and fully operational. The microscope is optimized for intravital imaging of small laboratory animals and live cell imaging, including 3D imaging of fixed tissue samples. The microscope has XLPLN25xW-MP large diameter objective (NA 1.05; WD 2.00mm; Olympus) designed for multiphoton excitation, Mai Tai DeepSee Ti:Sapphire infrared laser (Spectra-Physics, tuning range 690-1040nm; pulse width 70fs), and a dedicated image analysis computer equipped with Imaris and Adobe Photoshop software. The microscope is open to all qualified researchers interested in studying dynamics of physiological and pathological processes in live multicellular organisms. Contact: Maarja Haugas (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). Reservation and terms of use: http://www.cancerbiology.ee/tecnologies/olympus-fv1200mpe